This is a short introduction on how to use the recording kit at the Norwegian Academy of Music with your recording device (laptop, tablet or phone). Reading thru this document will save you valuable time and reduce problem potential greatly! Even experienced technicians may find it helpful to spend a few minutes reading this manual.
First of all: Please, be careful! This is fragile equipment!
Use this list to ensure that the recording kit is complete when you pick up and deliver it.
- Two microphones. sE4 with two cardoide and omni capsules OR Shure KSM141 microphones with popfilters
- Two microphone adapters
- Stereo bar
- Two microphone cable
- Zoom H6 audio recorder
- USB A – USB Mini cable (for Zoom H6)
- USB A – USB C adapter (to connect UCB-C device to Zoom H6)
- USB A – lightning Adapter (to connect iPhone/iPad to Zoom H6)
- Shure SRH440 Headset
- Cabel reel, 5 m
A successful installation and setup will provide you with the following recording system:

1. Zoom H6
In adition to being an audio recorder the Zoom H6 also works as an audio interface, sending the signal from the microphones to your recording device (laptop, tablet or phone). This way the Zoom H6 acts as external microphnes for your device providing high quality audio recordings. Its also possible to connect external microphones and other sources to the Zoom H6.
2. Prepare your recording device
- Connect external power supply or ensure batteries are fully charged.
- Do a complete restart, or at least close all apps other than your DAW
- Disable Wi-Fi and all other networks or engage flight mode to avoid interrupts
Windows computers: Download and install H6 Audio Driver from You may have to unzip the downloaded file before installing: Right-click the downloaded file and choose Unzip all…/Pakk ut alle….
3. Connect and power on
Use the USC Micro – USB A Cable to connect Zoom H6 and recording device. You may have to use one of the adapters (USB C or ligthning) depending on your device.
Slide the power switch on the left side of Zoom H6 down and hold to power on.

Slide the switch on the right side to choose Audio Interface, and push the same switch to confirm.

Choose Stereo Mix , and push to confirm.
If your using an Android device: PC/Mac
If your using a computer: PC/Mac
If your using iPhone or iPad: iPad
4. Mounting, connecting and phantom power
- Mount the microphone bar with the microphone adapters on a microphone stand.
- Place the microphones into the microphone adapters. SE4: Squeeze the handles of the shock-mount together and slide the microphone into the shock-mount.
- Use the microphone cables and connect the microphones to the input 1 & 2 on the left side of Zoom H6.
- The microphones in the recording kit are condenser type and needs phantom power (48 volt) . Be aware that phantom power can cause serious damage to ribbon microphones. If you´re using other microphones than those included in the recording kit, check your microphone’s manual to see whether it is safe to use phantom power.
- Hit the MENU button on the right side of Zoom H6
- Slide the switch on the right side to choose the microphone symbol (Input&Output), and push the same switch to confirm.
- Slide the switch on the right side to choose phantom, and push the same switch to confirm.
- Choose Voltage and confirm
- Choose 48 volt and hit the MENU button on the right side to return
- Choose On/Off
- Enable phantom on Track 1 (Input 1) & Track 2 (Input 2)
- Hit the MENU button several times to return to home screen
- Note that input 1 & 2 have a yellow ligthning symbol, indicating that phantom power is on.
- Remember to switch off 48 V before disconnecting the microphones.
5. Link Input 1 & 2
Link Input 1 & 2 by holding down the button 1 while pushing button 2.
6. Zoom H6 as audio interface in DAW
This section is only for those who use a computer. If you´re using a tablet or phone, skip to next chapter.
Launch your DAW (audio recording program).
Reaper, macOS:
- Choose Options – Settings
- Under Audio in left column, choose Device
- Audio device: H6
- Close Preferences with OK button
Reaper, Windows:
- Choose Options – Settings/Preferences
- Under Audio in left column, choose Device
- Audio system: ASIO
- Audio driver: H6
- Close Preferences with OK button
macOS: Ableton Live
- Choose Live – Preferences…
- Choose Audio in left column
- Click right of Driver type and choose CoreAudio
- For Output Device, choose H6
- For Audio Input, choose H6
- Close the Preference window
Windows: Ableton Live
- Choose Options – Preferences…
- Choose Audio in left column
- Click right of Driver type and choose ASIO.
- Click right of Audio Device and H6
- Close the Preference window
If you are using none of the above programs, look for Preferences, Audio Input or similar, then look for Driver, Audio Connection or similar and choose H6. You may also check the operation manual for the program and look for Driver.
7. Headphones to avoid feedback
Zoom H6 has a small speaker. To shut of the speaker to avoid feedback (noise caused by the microphones picking up the sound from the speaker), connect the headphones to the Zoom H6.
8. Setting the recording level
- Turn on input 1 & 2 on Zoom H6
- Create a new stereo audio track in your DAW and ensure that the stereo mix from Zoom H6 are the input source of the audio track.
- Record enable the track in your DAW so that the input indicator of the track shows the level of the input signal from the microphones. Enable monitor on the track in your DAW to send the signal from the microphones to the headphones.
- Gently scrape the tip of the microphone while observing the input indicator at the audio track, or Zoom H6. Hopefully you´ll see something happening (!).
- Ask the musician to play the music thats going to be recorded, ex. the loudest part of the piece and adjusting the recording level with the Gain controls for input 1 and 2 on Zoom H6.
- The loudest parts should not go above – 6 dB, leaving a headroom of 6 dB.
- Be careful to adjust both Gain controls (Input 1 and 2) to the same level to capture a correct stereo image.
9. Distortion and crackles
Distortion and crackle on audio recording are usually caused by CPU overload (recording device to busy). Increase the Buffer size, as explained below, to avoid distortion and crackles.
- Choose Options – Settings/Preferences
- Under Audio in left column, choose Device
- Enable Request block size
- Lower number i box to the right of Request block size
- Apply
Ableton Live
- Choose Live/Options – Preferences
- Choose Audio
- Enable Request block size:
- Decrease the number to the right of Request block size: to reduce latency.
- Increase the number to the right of Request block size: to avoid distortion and crackles.
10. ORTF Stereo technique
Two microphones may be configured in several ways for stereo recording. We recommend the ORTF stereo technique.
Use the cardoide capsules with the sE4 microphones or choose cardoide characteristic on the Shure microphones when recording with ORTF-technique.
ORTF combines both the volume difference provided as sound arrives on- and off-axis at two cardioid microphones spread to a 110° angle, as well as the timing difference as sound arrives at the two microphone membranes spaced 17 cm apart.
The result is a realistic stereo field that has reasonable compatibility with mono playback. Since the cardioid polar pattern rejects off-axis sound, less of the ambient room characteristics are picked up. This means that the mics can be placed farther away from the sound sources, resulting in a blend that may be more appealing.
As with all microphone arrangements, the spacing and angle can be manually adjusted slightly by ear for the best sound, which may vary depending on room acoustics, source characteristics, and other factors. The angle between the microphones can be reduced to enhance the centre of the sound image, or increased for more width. Larger distance between microphone membranes creates a broader stereo perspective but, be aware that to large distance may create a “hole” in the middle of the sound image.
This arrangement is defined as it is because it was the result of considerable research and experimentation, and its results are predictable and repeatable.
11. Distance between sound source and microphones
Position the microphones far enough from the sound source to pick up the complete sound of the instrument or ensemble.
Adjust distance between sound source and microphones to balance direct sound (from sound source) and room reverb. Larger distance lower the sound level og the direct sound and yields more reverb on the recording.
12. Microphone switches
The microphones has two switches:
Pad switch. Reduce the signal level with -10/15 dB or -20/25 dB. Should only be used when the microphone is being used to record exceptionally loud sound sources that may overload the microphone preamplifier. Use if the signal is distorted even if the recording level are correct.
Low Cut. Activates a high-pass filter that reduces the amount of low frequencies. Low Cut may be used to reduce the amount of bass boost caused by the proximity effect when working very close to the microphone or to exclude low frequency signals, such as traffic and floor vibrations where the signal being recorded has little or no deep bass content.
More on microphone patterns and characteristics here.
13. Disassembly
- Ensure that PHANTOM POWER 48 V is OFF before disconnecting the microphones.
- Dismantle the microphones from the shock-mounts and put them into the small bag before they are put back into the carrying case.
- Leave the shock-mounts mounted on the microphone stereo bar.
- Fold the headphones before you put them in the case.
- Use the list at the top of this document to ensure that the recording kit is complete when you pick up and deliver it.
14. Help
If you need help; read this manual carefully one more time. If you still need help; ask a friend. Still got a problem? Ask another friend. If you still need help; try Google, then write a polite email to explain your problem and beg for a solution.
15. Faults and irregularities
All faults and irregularities on the equipment are to be reported to immediately.
16. Booking the recording kit
Students at the Norwegian academy of music may book the recording kit here.